Greetings from Whistler and Pemberton,
Congratulations Whistler! Whistler Blackcomb has ranked #1 in multiple SKI Magazine Resort Ranking categories, including Overall Resort, Terrain Variety, Après, Terrain Parks and Off-Hill Activities. It’s the last day of summer today, Sept. 22nd and it sure does feel like Fall is around the corner. It is time to switch gears again . Before you know it the Turkey Sale will be here -Thanksgiving weekend and that is our kick off to the ski season. The big event this weekend is the Mudderella Whistler. This is a 5-7 mile obstacle course, designed by women for women on Blackcomb Mountain. The event is all about working together, having fun, and owning Your Strong! ® Incidentally, Tracey is on a Mudderella Team – looks like at least the sun should be shining! The hottest market in Whistler is the Single Family Homes. The end of the third quarter tells us that we have an increase in volume of sales from 94 sales in 2014 valued at $150,121,735.00 compared to 113 sales valued at $197,583,000.00 in 2015. This is an increase of 16.81% in volume and a 24.02% in Dollar volume. The well priced houses under $1.5 million are in demand. Pemberton is similar in Single Family Homes, from 15 sales in 2014 valued at $6,131,500 to 21 sales in 2015 valued at $10,888,000, an increase of 28.57 % in volume and 43.69% in dollar value. This is huge for Pemberton. If you would like a no obligation market evaluation on your property in Whistler or Pemberton just let us know, we would love to help you. Whistler: Pemberton: Lynne and Tracey |