Greetings from Whistler

It just keeps snowing!! 35 cm in the last 12 hours which at this time of year unfortunately that often means rain in the village.  Growing up in Lynn Valley, North Vancouver I have been accustomed to the sound of rain on my roof and I do like it, most of the time.  The skiers and boarders are having a great time up there!  Don’t forget The Official opening of the  Michael Audain Art Museum is this Saturday March 12th, this will be a fabulous event in the Whistler Village for those of you who do not want to brave the weather on the mountain.

Whistler and Pemberton is going full steam ahead with the hot market.  There is no slowing down.  Almost the highest number of sales in a week in both Whistler and Pemberton, 38 for Whistler and 9 for Pemberton.  If you are looking for the perfect place to buy, or you want to sell, this is a very active market for you.  Buyer’s you need us, Tracey and I are working very hard to find you the best suited property for you.  We are working night and day to keep all of you up to date with new listings and sales.  Seller’s, this is a fantastic time for you to sell, there has never been more demand than there is today.

Contact us by email or call and let us know how we can help you with your real estate needs.  We have the inside knowledge and know of the hot listings before many people know about them.

Whistler Market
26 New Whistler Listings
38 Sales in the past week
4 Price changes

Pemberton Market
2 New Pemberton Listings
9 Sales in Pemberton

No Price changes for Pemberton.


Lynne and Tracey