Thanks to everyone who responded to our Sweetheart Deal! We have free tickets to the Home and Garden Show for you, all you have to do is call or email and they are yours. Don’t forget you can WIN 2 free tickets to the newest venue in Whistler, “The Escape Room”, all you have to do is LIKE us on our Facebook Page or write a new review if you have already LIKED us and you will go into the draw at the end of February. The Escape Room is a fantastic venue that has 4 rooms to escape from: the Pirate Ship, The Buried Cabin, Lost Toomb, & The Rabbit Hole.
Now the real estate market this week shows 38 sales in Whistler, the most I have ever posted! We are searching for listings to show our clients, most listings have an offer on them if not 2. The 27 new listings will help. Many people have been thinking of selling when the market gets better, there is no better time than now to sell your property. This market is not going to last forever, take advantage of it while you can. Let us know if you would like a complete updated Market Stats Package for 2015.