Greetings from Whistler and Pemberton,
Whistler residents are feeling some relief as all of the local residents, or those who work in Whistler, can now book their appointment and get their first dose of the vaccine. For more information on Covid 19 in Whistler check out the website. We are hopeful Pemberton residents, plus the rest of BC and beyond will soon have the vaccine available!
Since the mountains shut down last week, we have definitely seen fewer people in the resort and that was the goal. We are lucky to live in this beautiful resort, but we definitely need fewer numbers at this time. Most restaurants are doing take-out, there is some patio dining. We can still go for a walk or bike on the trails and golfing has opened up in Pemberton!
At this time of the year historically we expect a slow down in the market but we also usually see an increase in inventory for the spring months. As you can see from our links below, we are not yet seeing an increase in inventory and continue to be in many multiple offer situations. The lack of inventory could partly be related to owners not able to get to Whistler to get their home ready for the market. This is the hottest market we have ever had in Whistler and Pemberton! If you are thinking of selling and would like a market evaluation on your property, let us know. We can get that done for you and we can help get your home ready for the listing if you decide to list it. We have helped multiple out-of-town and out-of-country owners navigate a sale thru these times.
Whistler Market
11 New Whistler Listings
22 Sales in Whistler
3 Price Adjustments
Pemberton Market
8 New Pemberton Listings
6 Sales in Pemberton
2 Price Reductions
We know this is a very hard time for many people, if there is anything we can do to help you, please just reach out to us. We are always happy just to have a chat!
Stay well,
Lynne and Tracey
Your Mother/Daughter Team
Note: All statistical information provided from sources deemed to be reliable. Information provided is based on data collected from Whistler Listing Service WLS and MLS.