Greetings from Whistler,
Did you miss us? It has been 2 weeks since we sent your last Market Update and that’s because Tracey and I have been so busy we didn’t have a minute to spare ! Our apologies . As one of our clients said today, the market is galloping along. We are not seeing an influx of Americans after the Election as we are hearing about. We are seeing more Americans buying but that’s because of the exchange rate and the low-interest rates, although the interest rates went up today, so keep an eye on that if you are thinking of buying.
The snow is creeping down the mountain and the forecast is for cooler temperatures, so cross your fingers for the mountain opening on Nov. 24th. Next week and get your rock skis ready.
If you are thinking of buying, there is still time to get yourself a new home in Whistler for the ski season, and if you want to sell, your place is in demand. Call us to discuss your options.
46 New Whistler Listings in 14 Days
43 Sales in Whistler in 14 Days
4 New Pemberton Listings in 14 Days
7 Sales in Pemberton in 14 days
6 Price Changes in Pemberton in 14 Days
Have a great week!