Greetings from Whistler,
Wow, last weekend was a beauty! It’s funny how the weather changes so quickly, just when we get all the SUP boards out and the kayaks ready to go, it starts raining again. Never count on Mother Nature.
Here is something to think about when in multiple offers.
There have been a couple of red hot listings this week and we have been an involved in several multiple offers. We do our best to help you get through this situation. It is not comfortable for anyone, including us. We have the experience and have been successful if clients will put their trust in us. Going over the price you want to offer, by $10,000 – $15,000 to get the place you like is what you have to do in most cases. If you think about that money spread over the next 10 years, that is $1,000 a year. It is worth it to you and your family. It also is a time saver, if you get the place, you don’t have to spend your time looking anymore, you will be home having fun.
Whistler Market
Pemberton Market
Lynne Venner & Tracey Cruz
Your Mother/Daughter Team