There is certainly no shortage of fun activities for family to do around Whistler. However, some of them cost a pretty penny to partake in – they’re more of a special occasion outing than an everyday activity.
Luckily, there are also plenty of affordable, family friendly activities to enjoy – some are even free! We’ve assembled a few of our favourite free outings and activities that are fun for all ages. Have a look, and share your own free Whistler fun!
Ice Skating
It’s that time of year again, when the Olympic Plaza transforms into a free skating rink for everyone to enjoy! Dust off your skates (or rent a pair – they’re only $5 each) and glide along the ice with your favourite family members. No matter how old you are, you can’t help but feel happy – particularly when snow is falling from the sky and music is pumping.
Whistler Arts Council’s Activities
If you haven’t yet discovered the Whistler Arts Council, you’re in for a major treat. Among the array of activities it offers, there are plenty that are geared towards kids that also happen to be low cost. Family Apres is one great example (find out more on our previous blog post), but the Arts Council also hosts a number of events and activities around the Village year-round. There’s a teens-only lounge for your older kids to enjoy, plus the gallery space in the Maury Young Arts Centre is always free for a quick tour. Follow them on Facebook to keep up with their latest and greatest.
The Whistler Public Library
Books, music, movies, magazines – you can get ‘em all for free from the Whistler Public Library! Aside from borrowing literature and other goodies, the Library also hosts free events year-round. From book clubs for school aged kids to parent and infant drop ins, from an astronomy club to crafts for preschoolers, there are plenty of options for getting to know the library and getting involved with the community. Have a look at their calendar of events, and plan accordingly!
Whistler Museum
Okay, so the Whistler Museum isn’t totally free — but it is by donation, so give what you can afford and stop by! The Whistler Museum is an awesome place to learn more about Whistler, present and future. Kids will love playing with the old school ski outfits in the tickle trunk and learning more about local flora and fauna, and we guarantee adults will walk away having learned a few new things, too. Head to the museum and celebrate all the things that make Whistler so special!
Explore the Valley Trail
We are incredibly lucky to have the Valley Trail winding through Whistler, connecting neighbourhood to neighbourhood. Whether you’re on foot or on a bike, commuting or simply heading out for exercise, walking along the Valley Trail is a great way to spend some time in the great outdoors and walk past some beautiful scenery. We love the section by Rainbow Park, the area around Green Lake by Nick North, and anything along the Fitzsimmons River.