Greetings from Whistler & Pemberton,
The days are getting longer and the extra daylight is so welcomed. The mountains have had some new snow and the skiing has been quite enjoyable. We had a family ski day on Sunday and it was fantastic! Whistler and Pemberton are great for social distancing outside, we are grateful for this beautiful place we call home.
As you can see by this snapshot of our market, we are still selling up a storm. We are having a hard time finding inventory for our buyers who “just want a place here”. We need more listings to fulfill the demand of the buyers. Every segment of our market is lacking listings. If you are thinking of selling, please contact us, we would love to give you a personal market evaluation of your property. If you love stats we are just finishing up our year-end packages and will share more with you very soon. Let us know how we can put our expertise to work for you!
Whistler Market
20 New Whistler Listings
25 Sales in Whistler
3 Price Adjustments
Pemberton Market
6 New Pemberton Listings
11 Sales in Pemberton
1 Price Adjustment
We hope you are all staying well.
Lynne and Tracey
Your Mother/Daughter Team
Note: All statistical information provided from sources deemed to be reliable. Information provided is based on data collected from Whistler Listing Service WLS and MLS.