It was shocking this morning to wake up to fresh snow in Whistler. It disappeared quickly and became the usual west coast day with a mix of rain, sun and wind! This is the week to get your indoor tasks done before the beautiful weather comes back. Last weekend was absolutely stunning, it made a lot of people very happy. We are all looking forward to hearing some good news about lifting some Covid restrictions by the end of the month. Everyone is missing our usual social activities.
The markets in Whistler and Pemberton have slowed down this past week due to lack of inventory. Many of the 22 sales in Whistler and the 10 in Pemberton were in multiple offers. We are having a hard time finding the right properties for buyers when there are so few to choose from. Our thoughts are you may have to change your criteria to compensate for so few listings. If you are a property owner in Whistler or Pemberton and are thinking about selling, we would love to hear from you. This may be the right time for you to sell, we would be happy to give you a market evaluation and discuss with you the process of selling. We can make things happen for you, even if you can’t get here, just send us an email or give us a call.
Whistler Market
24 New Whistler Listings
22 Sales in Whistler
1 Price adjustment in Whistler
Pemberton Market
15 New Pemberton Listings
10 Sales in Pemberton
2 Price adjustments in Pemberton
Stay well,
Lynne and Tracey
Your Mother/Daughter Team
Note: All statistical information provided from sources deemed to be reliable. Information provided is based on data collected from Whistler Listing Service WLS and MLS