Greetings from Whistler,
Brrr…. It is cold outside! We have beautiful sunny days but yikes, the temperatures are plunging. As we approach Family Day Weekend, we want to let you know we love having you in Whistler but we want to stop the spread of the virus. Staying home this weekend is the best choice. Whistler Real Estate had a Zoom meeting with our Mayor, Jack Crompton, yesterday. He told us that the positive Covid tests were close to 500 for January. Most of the cases were from gatherings after skiing and apres get-togethers. The good news was that the numbers are coming down a bit for positive tests in February. The skiing is wonderful and we are hoping they will keep the mountains open so soon we will be welcoming everyone again. We know many of you have homes here and this is where you want to be, we get it!
The real estate market has passed our expectations for the last week. Both markets are quite balanced for new listings versus sales as you will see below. If you are looking for the right home for you and your family, please give us a call, you need our help in these market conditions. It’s a seller’s market, so if you want to get your home sold we would love to help you too. This market is the most robust one we have seen in years! Tracey and I have been selling Whistler and Pemberton since 1993, and we can definitely help you with your buying or selling real estate needs. If you are interested in seeing how the markets compare to past years our 2020 year-end stats are available here on our website for both Whistler and Pemberton. Please reach out if you are interested in more specific stats, we are happy to share them with you!
Whistler Market
26 New Listings in Whistler
27 Sales in Whistler
6 Price Adjustments
Pemberton Market
8 New Listings in Pemberton
8 Sales in Pemberton
No Price changes in Pemberton
We hope you are all staying well.
Lynne and Tracey
Your Mother/Daughter Team
Note: All statistical information provided from sources deemed to be reliable. Information provided is based on data collected from Whistler Listing Service WLS and MLS.