Greetings from Whistler and Pemberton,
We can talk about the weather and skiing, but what is really important is the Real Estate Market! It is astounding to see these record sales and the stories behind the sales. Whistler had 39 sales in 7 days and only 22 new listings with Pemberton seeing 5 sales and 2 new listings. Today we heard stories of 5 subject free offers on several properties. In this type of market, you need to be ready with your financing, review strata information in advance, if available, and you need us to help you be knowledgeable about the type of property you decide to make an offer on. Being prepared is key and the ability to write a subject-free offer, potentially above the list price, is the best way to have your offer considered by the sellers. We are just preparing you for these market conditions and are available to walk you through the process so you are ready when the right property hits the market.
What’s driving the market? People want to be in the mountains, the interest rates are low and the inventory is low – this is causing the spike in the market. Let us know if we can help you find the perfect getaway home or if you want to get your home SOLD, we are here and would love to help you get the best price. Keeping in touch is key and we would love to hear from you!
Whistler Market
22 New Whistler Listings
39 Sales in Whistler
5 Price Adjustments
Pemberton Market
2 new Pemberton Listings
5 Sales in Pemberton
No Price Adjustments
We hope you are all staying well.
Your Mother/Daughter TeamNote: All statistical information provided from sources deemed to be reliable. Information provided is based on data collected from Whistler Listing Service WLS and MLS.