Greetings from Whistler,
It’s a winter wonderland here in Whistler and Pemberton, it’s everything we wanted for this ski season, except for COVID19. The line-ups are long first thing in the morning because everyone is 6 ft. apart. Once you get up the mountain, the lineups are not bad because people are on different runs and lifts. They are keeping a good eye on the lineups to make sure everyone is masked and distanced. I commend the mountain staff, they are doing a great job.
The snapshot of our market shows you what we have been saying for the last few months, the buyer demand is overpowering the inventory. This week in Whistler the number of sales is much higher than the number of listings, and in Pemberton, they are as well. We have not seen the influx of new inventory in the last 2 weeks like we usually do at this time of the year. If you have been thinking of selling, this is the best time in many years, I would encourage you to give us a call or an email to discuss your property. If you are a buyer and are looking for that perfect Whistler or Pemberton home or condo, you need our help in this type of market. We are here with many years of experience to help you navigate your way to success in this Magical resort.
Whistler Market
23 New Whistler Listings
32 Sales in Whistler
3 Price Adjustments
Pemberton Market
2 New Pemberton Listings
6 Sales in Pemberton
No Price Adjustments
We hope you are all staying well.
Lynne and Tracey
Your Mother/Daughter Team
Note: All statistical information provided from sources deemed to be reliable. Information provided is based on data collected from Whistler Listing Service WLS and MLS.