Greetings from Whistler and Pemberton,
Whistler Village was a little quieter this Easter weekend as expected. This is a good sign that people are respecting the current restrictions and limiting travel. The number of positive cases is high and we are hopeful this will start to decrease again soon. We are thinking of everyone who may have lost their jobs, locally and beyond, and may need a little extra support at this time. Whistler and Pemberton Community Services are available with support and doing a fabulous job. Be sure to reach out, we are all in this together. The market continues to see multiple offers on many properties. I was showing phase 1, 1 bedrooms on Saturday and there were socially distanced line ups at the door! The best thing we can do for you is getting you prepared and your questions answered in advance of preparing an offer. If you are thinking of listing give us a call and we can walk you thru the process of getting your property listed. Staging, de-personalizing, and having everything ordered and ready for buyers to be able to bring you their best offer, once the listing goes live, is key. We have been selling real estate in Whistler and Pemberton for over 25 years, (combined we are at 53 years:-) Put our knowledge and experience to work for you, just let us know how we can help!
Whistler Market
20 New Whistler Listings
21 Sales in Whistler
2 Price Adjustments
Pemberton Market
5 New Pemberton Listings
5 Sales in Pemberton
1 Price Adjustment
We hope you are all staying well and were able to connect with family over the weekend.
Lynne and Tracey
Your Mother/Daughter Team
Note: All statistical information provided from sources deemed to be reliable. Information provided is based on data collected from Whistler Listing Service WLS and MLS.