Greetings from Whistler,
Crankworx is the main attraction in Whistler this week. Crankworx Whistler brings the world’s downhill, slopestyle and enduro legends home to the superfans, rising stars, industry innovators and the next generation of mountain bike riders for 10 days of competition and mountain bike culture. It is pretty exciting to watch on the big screen especially when 2 of your grandsons are in it. Tracey’s son’s, Lucas 15 yr. and Tegan 10 yr. are on the podium in BMX and Downhill – check it all out online here and follow Lucas Cruz athlete profile for their personal updates.
Now back to business. It’s nice to see 27 new listings in Whistler and 15 new listings in Pemberton, however many have offers on them already. We have been really lucky with our buyers this past week, they were ready to write offers almost subject free. We guided them to the magic $ number that got them the deal and they are happy. It is hard for buyers to go above the list price and without subjects but to be the successful offer, that is pretty much what is needed. If you see a property that is of interest to you, please let us know right away, we will get you more info .
Whistler Market
27 New Whistler Listings
18 Sales in Whistler
4 Price Changes
Pemberton Market
15 New Pemberton Listings
5 Sales in Pemberton
1 Price Change
Enjoy your week.