Greetings from Whistler
Whistler continues to have a red hot market in the Village and the Benchlands in all price ranges. Just 2 days ago we listed a beautiful 3 bedroom townhouse in the Woods for $1,849,000 and it sold within 1 day, another listing in the Woodrun, 2.5 bedrooms listed for $1,750,000, has sold! This is the same scenario for the lower priced 1 and 2 bedroom properties in the Village, offers within a day or two. Timing is everything for buyers, we are here to help you be prepared for a purchase when the property you like comes on the market. Let us help you “be prepared” to make your next move.
The inventory is down to 178 listings in Whistler and only 37 in Pemberton. This is an all time low. Last year at this time there were 414 sales in Whistler and 64 in Pemberton. This year we have had only 289 sales in Whistler and 51 in Pemberton. That is a decrease in # of sales by 43%. However, the average price of a Chalet in Whistler has increased by 26.64% and the condo’s 28%. The Pemberton market is very tight and the prices are going up there by over 50% in some segments.
We have not seen a market like this in 24 years. It is a seller’s market, for now, if you are thinking of selling, please contact us for a current market evaluation of your property. You will be surprised at how much it has gone up since we last gave you a personalized market evaluation. Call or email us, let’s talk about your lifetime investment. If you are a buyer, you need to work with us to help you find a property as soon as it comes on the market. Tracey and I are committed to your success.
Whistler Market
Pemberton Market
Have a great week!
Lynne Venner & Tracey Cruz
Your Mother/Daughter Team