Greetings from Whistler,
Sadly, the smoke is still lingering over this beautiful resort. We are hoping that it will clear by the weekend, but no promises. Be grateful for what we have and that there are no fires, no evacuations and no loss of homes here. The smoke is keeping the temperatures down to about 28 degrees during the day and a really nice cooling to about 12 degrees at night is refreshing.
The total reported transactions for Whistler and Pemberton for July was 70, down from 102 last month and 90 for July 2016. This is due to a number of factors, low inventory, summer holidays or a variety of reasons. Interesting though, it’s good for you to follow this, it keeps you in the loop. The total # of transactions for 2017 for both communities is 654 for 2017 and 799 for 2016, a drop of about 18% in # of transactions. However, the total value of median and average sales have risen. If you are interested in a certain segment of the market, send us an email and we can give you more details. The demand for great listings is still very high, there are many buyers waiting for the right property to come on the market.
Crankworx starts this Thursday, Aug 10th – Aug. 21st, check out the schedule on the web site. Watch for Tracey’s boys, Lucas Cruz racing 3 Downhill’s and the Dual Slalom and Tegan Cruz on the pump track and downhill course as well. It is going to be a busy week!
Whistler Market
25 New Whistler Listings
18 Sales in Whistler
5 Price Changes
Pemberton Market
14 New listings in Pemberton
6 Sales in Pemberton
5 Price Changes
Have a great week!
Lynne Venner & Tracey Cruz
Your Mother/Daughter Team