Crankworx Whistler was a huge success, born in Whistler in 2004 it has evolved into an international festival series, the ultimate celebration of the mountain bike community and one of the largest events every year in Whistler. Congratulations to all the Crankworx athletes who performed for thousands of biking enthusiasts. Next up, get ready to be entertained by William Prince a Juno Award-winning contemporary roots artist singing at the Olympic Plaza on Thursday Aug. 3rd at 7:30 , for another presentation of the Summer Series Concerts.
We are pretty excited to announce the biggest sale in Whistler’s history took place today, a $40 million sale of a magnificent home and lot next door.! Back to reality, the market is showing 14 new listings and 14 sales this week in Whistler and again 9 more price reductions. This is showing a slight shift in the market as it is showing a slow down in both Whistler and Pemberton. Talk of another interest rate hike is not helping confidence in the buyers as well as everyone out enjoying their summer vacations. If you are wanting to have a property lined up for the winter season, now is the time to start focussing. Let us know if you would like a market evaluation on your property or information on any of the new listings this week.
Whistler Market
14 New Whistler Listings
14 Sales in Whistler
9 Price Adjustments in Whistler
Pemberton Market
5 New listings in Pemberton
1 Sale in Pemberton
3 Price Adjustments in Pemberton
Your Mother/Daughter Team
*Note All statistical information provided from sources deemed to be reliable. The information provided is based on data collected from Whistler Listing Service WLS and MLS.
7456 Dogwood Street
Whistler Museum and Archives
Take a trip through history and learn how both the town of Whistler and the sport of skiing have evolved through the years. An extensive exhibit, with engaging stories, historical photographs, multimedia presentations and displays including a complete original gondola cabin!
Other features:
- Whistler’s Natural Environment, including an interactive discovery centre
- Interactive multi-media presentations of Whistler’s defining milestones
- Ski racing history
- Hippie and squatter history
- The History of Whistler’s Olympic Bids
- Gift Shop with unique gifts, local artwork, and books on local history