Greetings from Whistler,
The kids are back in school this week and life changes back to crazy busy schedules for many families, but we like the discipline and routines I think. Summer holidays are euphoric and wonderful but it’s time to get back on a schedule. The Fall months in Whistler are gorgeous when the leaves turn yellow and red. September is one of our favorite months!
This weekend we are welcoming around 4,000 Riders participating in the RBC GranFondo Whistler! They are leaving Vancouver at 6:00am on Saturday and the first riders will be arriving in Whistler at 10:00 am. Drivers can expect delays of up to 3 hours between West Vancouver and Whistler from 5:30 am – 4:30 pm. http://granfondowhistler.com/about-event/traffic-impacts
We do not have any “new news” on the market, it speaks for itself below. We are still looking for listings and the Buyer are ready and waiting. If you are wondering what your property is worth give us a call!
Whistler Market
17 New Whistler Listings
21 Sales in Whistler
5 Price Changes
Pemberton Market
7 New Pemberton Listings
7 Sales in Pemberton
1 Price Change
Enjoy your week.