Greetings from Whistler and Pemberton,
This weekend we had fantastic Pemberton and Whistler High School Graduation ceremonies! The weather was perfect for having the ceremonies outdoor with the Grads driving up to the stage to receive their diploma and awards. It was actually a step above sitting in the stifling hot gym for 3 hours and really fun cheering everyone on. We are so proud of all the graduates everywhere who have had such a difficult time during Covid restrictions. A special congratulations to my beautiful granddaughter Alexa Hunter, who cleaned up with all her awards in Pemberton!
This market is still moving along to the same beat this week. There is still a high demand and the inventory remains low with 189 listings in Whistler and 46 in Pemberton. With the announcement of Step 2 for Covid restrictions, we are expecting to see more tourists and guests come to Whistler and we are excited to see many homeowners return to Whistler and Pemberton to enjoy their homes. The big-ticket is going to be when the powers that be open the border, and we will then see a big change here in the resort. The market hasn’t changed in months, low inventory, high demand, and low-interest rates. We are hearing more offshore buyers purchasing with their realtors doing facetime viewings. Anything is possible, just let us know how we can help you with buying or selling real estate.
Whistler Market
20 New Whistler Listings
19 Sales in Whistler
4 Price Adjustments
Pemberton Market
6 New Pemberton Listings
5 Sales in Pemberton
1 Price Adjustment
Stay Well!
Lynne Venner & Tracey Cruz
Your Mother/Daughter Team
*Note: All statistical information provided from sources deemed to be reliable. Information provided is based on data collected from Whistler Listing Service WLS and MLS.
Featured Listing:
1267 Delta Whistler Village Suites, Whistler Village
Offered at $219,000
Community Update:
North Arm Farms – The Sea to Sky Family Farm Experience
Nestled in the base of the Pemberton Valley and staring up at the towering Mt. Currie, North Arm Farm is a unique family farm experience for families to explore. Whether you plan to come for a quick morning brunch or spend the day wandering through the fields collecting berries, visiting the local farm animals, or letting the kids play on the “real” tractors, there are more things to check out then time will allow at North Arm Farm.
They harvest potatoes, radishes, pumpkins, beans, peas, corn, squash, carrots, beets, rutabaga, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and more. From mid-June to the end of October, there is almost certainly something you can pick at the farm. Beginning with Strawberries in June-July and then blueberries from July-September.
It is worth the drive to enjoy the yummy treats at the small cafe or just take in the beauty of the spectacular Mt. Currie