As the leaves undergo their splendid autumnal transformation and the mountains adorn their initial snowy cover, it’s time to bid farewell to open-toe footwear and embrace the forthcoming season. With children firmly settled into their routines and many individuals shifting their focus toward securing properties for the upcoming ski season, it’s an ideal time to explore what’s available.
Our latest inventory update once again demonstrates a surplus of properties over sales, as indicated in the figures below. If you’re in search of exceptional properties in close proximity to the slopes or in the spectacular Pemberton Valley, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help you discover your ideal property or facilitate the sale of your current home!
Here are the past 7 days numbers:
Whistler Market
17 New Whistler Listings
7 Sales in Whistler
11 Price Adjustments
Pemberton Market
6 New Pemberton Listings
4 Pemberton Sales
5 Price Adjustments
Your Mother/Daughter Team
*Note All statistical information provided from sources deemed to be reliable. The information provided is based on data collected from Whistler Listing Service WLS and MLS.
#306 Marquise
Opening this fall, the Wedge Mountain Lodge & Spa will be offering guests a truly extraordinary experience nestled just moments away from the renowned Whistler resort in British Columbia. Surrounded by the awe-inspiring natural beauty of the Coastal Mountains, step into our carefully crafted and purposefully designed lodge and prepare to embark on a journey of exclusive luxury.”
Read more here about this incredible escape for your corporate retreat or events with ALL of the extras!