The real estate market is moving along with 16 new listings in Whistler and 3 in Pemberton, 12 sales in Whistler and 0 sales in Pemberton. Noticeably, there are 8 price adjustments in both Whistler and Pemberton, this is an indication the market is changing and the sellers are reducing their prices to get their properties sold, makes it a good time to buy. Sellers may be more negotiable if they have been on the market for awhile. However, if a property is priced right, and it’s a good one, it will be snapped up in 1 or 2 days, we are even still seeing some multiple offers! Currently there are 231 active listings in Whistler and 83 in Pemberton and area. Let us know if we can provide you a market evaluation to help you with making a decision if now is the right time for you to sell.
Whistler Market
16 New Whistler Listings
12 Sales in Whistler
8 Price Adjustments
Pemberton Market
3 New Pemberton Listings
8 Price Adjustments
0 sales in Pemberton
Your Mother/Daughter Team
*Note All statistical information provided from sources deemed to be reliable. The information provided is based on data collected from Whistler Listing Service WLS and MLS.
💫 Location, Location, Location! 💫
#324 First Tracks Lodge
Get ready for the event of the summer! Art On The Lake returns on August 10 & 11, 2023.
For two incredible days, Arts Whistler will transform the south end of Whistler’s Alta Lake into a floating oasis. Spend the day immersed in nature and the warm summer sun exploring art around every bend, surrounded by live local music.
With a floating art gallery showcasing artworks from 30+ Sea to Sky artists,10 live artists, 8 local bands, family-friendly entertainment, and even a special something for our furry friends, this community celebration is not to be missed! Full schedule and more details are here or RSVP to their Facebook event to stay updated with the latest news!