Greetings from Whistler and Pemberton,
Take a moment to delve into the highlights of our corporate newsletter for the year 2023! Below are this week’s figures, please reach out if you seek additional details on the latest listings or if you have inquiries regarding selling.
We are committed to helping you navigate the process and would love the opportunity to discuss it further. Reminder – if you have any questions on your BC Assessments be sure to reach out sooner than later so you do not miss the deadline for appeals.
Here are this weeks numbers:
22 New Whistler Listings
8 Sales in Whistler
3 Price Adjustments
2 New Pemberton Listings
1 Pemberton Sale
1 Price Adjustment
Wishing you all a world of happiness, good health, and endless reasons to smile in 2024.
Your Mother/Daughter Team
*Note All statistical information provided from sources deemed to be reliable. The information provided is based on data collected from Whistler Listing Service WLS and MLS.