The numbers continue to be consistent this week to the last few weeks. There is another interest rate announcement coming early in September, which may dictate the direction of the Fall market. We historically have seen the Fall being a busier time as everyone has enjoyed the summer and start to get back to routine and preparing for the next season. Is now the time for you to proceed with selling or buying? Let us know as this will allow us to ensure your preparations are completed to take ownership in time for the upcoming ski season. We are also available to provide you a no obligation market evaluation or answer any questions. Below are this weeks numbers.
Whistler Market
18 New Whistler Listings
14 Sales in Whistler
6 Price Adjustments
Pemberton Market
5 New Listings Pemberton and Area
5 Sales in Pemberton and Area
4 Price Adjustments
Your Mother/Daughter Team
*Note All statistical information provided from sources deemed to be reliable. The information provided is based on data collected from Whistler Listing Service WLS and MLS.
#324 First Tracks Lodge
Whistler Insider Locals List
Save the Date
RBC GranFondo Whistler | September 9
Whistler Village Beer Festival | September 11 – 17
XTERRA Whistler | September 16 and 17
The Witsend Women’s Enduro Race | September 24
Whistler Writers Festival | October 12 – 15
Whistler 50 Relay & Ultra | October 14
📸 @baroso_whistler