That was a whole lot of holidays packed into 1 long weekend, for the majority of Canadians, it was Family day long weekend and the Americans, it was the President’s Day long weekend. And, to top it off it was Valentines Day as well. The resort was bustling with families celebrating one holiday or the other. That is what Whistler is all about, a place that brings families together, it’s Magical! The temperatures have warmed up and it’s snowing again, makes for a wonderful experience in this beautiful little town. On Sunday, I really enjoyed skiing the Spud Valley Cross Country Loppet in the Farmers field in Pemberton and even won a dozen eggs for my 10 Km race. That’s the fun of a country race.
It is typical to see 11 price reductions in a week, especially if the listing has been sitting on the market for more than 30 days or the seller wants some action on his listing. Generally speaking, this is a time of the year that some people are on holidays seeking sunshine and warmth, so we tend to not be quite as busy. If you are thinking of selling or wondering what your market value is, send us an email or give us a call. If you are looking for a great little 1 bedroom condo, walk to the Creekside lifts, we just listed one, contact us for more details!
Whistler Market
11 New Whistler Listings
6 Sales in Whistler
11 Price Reductions
Pemberton Market
1 New Pemberton Listing
4 Sales in Pemberton
2 Price Reductions