Greetings from Whistler,
It is pretty darn cold in this beautiful resort, -13 this morning at our house and -18 at Tracey’s in Pemberton – crispy! Apparently, the snow is fantastic, but it is cold so if you are coming to ski or board, make sure you bring your neck, hand and feet warmers. We are going to wait until it warms up before we head back up to the slopes. The amazing clear skies and sunshine we have had have been creating spectacular sunsets and a beautiful sparkle in the snow!
There is lots of talk about the real estate market on the news and in the newspaper. Our weekly market update is sent to you to keep you in the know of the new listings and what is selling. It’s like taking the temperature weekly. I thought you may like to recap for the month of January, there were 85 new Listings in Whistler and there were 42 Sales in Whistler . This is a pretty active market and good for you to see the overall picture. We saw several properties sell in multiple offers because they were priced right, it’s timing and pricing that will get your property sold. Generally, the sales are under $2ml but notice that there has been one of the highest priced sales ever in Whistler take place this year, at $11 ml. in Sunridge. If you are thinking of buying or selling, we would love to hear from you. Use our 25+ years of expertise in Whistler and Pemberton to help you with your real estate needs. Here are the numbers for the last 7 days.
Whistler Market
25 New Whistler Listings
8 Sales in Whistler
11 Price Reductions
Pemberton saw a total of 15 new listings in January and 6 reported sales. The Orion building has been selling very well with its “healthy living” building systems in place and you will see 10 of the 14 new listings are in this building. I am aware of a number of other current listings with accepted offers on them as well so there is definitely activity in the Pemberton market.
Pemberton Market
14 New Pemberton Listings
5 Sales in Pemberton
1 Price Change
Have a great week!
Lynne Venner & Tracey Cruz
Your Mother/Daughter Team
*All statistical information provided from sources deemed to be reliable*
OFFERED AT $429,000