Greetings from Whistler,
We hope everyone enjoyed BC Family day! Whistler was a hub for thousands of families celebrating the day together in the beautiful sunshine and warm temperatures. We were also thrilled to be a part of one of our clients, Chinese New Year Celebration of the Year of the Monkey. Spring like weather adorned us all weekend in the beautiful resort of Whistler and Pemberton. Tracey and I enjoyed a ski date on Whistler with her family.
Many of you are hearing about the flipping of properties in Vancouver and the lower mainland. This is not happening in Whistler, our market is busy and prices are going up but “flipping” is not the nature of our business here. Back in the days of the new construction of the hotel type properties, this was a more common practice, but not now. We have the busiest market since 2007 in volume of $ sales but we have one of the lowest #’s of inventory, making it hard to find the right property for buyers. It is a repeat from us, if you are thinking of selling, strike now while the market is hot. Call us for a market evaluation if you are wondering what your house would list for now. We would love to hear from you. Here is this week in the market.
24 New Whistler listings
19 Sales in Whistler
4 Price Changes
6 New Pemberton Listings
6 Sales in Whistler
No Price Changes
Don’t forget we are running a fun event for the month of February featuring a new local business – Escape Whistler. For all new facebook likes or a new review on our facebook page (if you have already liked us), your name will be put into a draw for a pass for two. It is a fun way to spend a rainy afternoon in Whistler.
Lynne and Tracey