Greetings from Whistler,

We hope all you Canadians enjoyed a fabulous day celebrating in the sunshine! Whistler and Pemberton were both VERY hot. The parades in both communities were a huge success, the beaches were packed and the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra was playing in Olympic Plaza for many to take a break and listen to their amazing talented musicians. They will also be playing on July 3rd and July 4th at 8pm if you are going to be in town.

We are a behind in reporting to you so this weeks numbers reflect the past nine days. Sales continue to happen in all segments of the market yet we are still short in inventory to show the Buyers. If you are planning a trip and would like to view property be sure to let us know!

Whistler last 9 days
34 New Listings:
8 price changes:
13 sales:

Pemberton last 9 days
3 new Listings: 
4 sales:

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.

Have a great week!

Sincerely, Lynne and Tracey