Greetings from Whistler Are you looking for something to do with your Tweens or Teens? We know this age group needs to have fun, check out the Whistler Blog, you will find lots of activities to fill their day. Come up to Whistler for plenty of family entertainment and fun. The skiing is fabulous right now, a little sunshine and lots of new snow up there this week. Skiers and Boarders have smiles on their faces! The Whistler and Pemberton market remains quite active, with lots of new listings in the last 9 days and 15 sales in all price ranges. We know there have been competing offers in several sales in the past week, price it right and you could get 2 or more offers… If you are thinking of selling and would like to know what your property should sell for give us a call or an email. We will give you a detailed market evaluation on your property and help you with decisions such as when is a good time to list and any suggestions to get your property ready for the market Whistler Market Pemberton Market Have a great week! Lynne Venner & Tracey Cruz *All statistical information provided from sources deemed to be reliable* * Information based on data collected from Whistler Listing Service WLS |